NOTICE: If you are unable to attend this event on January 8, 2025 the same event will be held March 17, 2025. Register for the March date can be found here.
This offering introduces school teams to characteristics of high-quality instructional ELA materials and provides an opportunity to explore multiple curricular resources.
Part 1: Asynchronous Training
Complete independently as a school team in advance of Step 2 -OR- engage in a facilitated review of the training on the day of the curricular resource exploration!
Participants will be supported in understanding features of high-quality instructional materials and be provided a framework to engage in an audit of current curricula.
Part 2: Face-To-Face Curricular Resource Exploration
Participants will review samples of curricula and evaluate the presence of each strand of Scarborough’s Reading Rope, fluency, and writing in alignment with local needs.
Understand features of high-quality instructional materials (HQIM),
Audit/Inventory current curricula,
Identify a local adoption process, and
Evaluate curricular resources, based on identified needs.
Optional ADD ON: Implementation Support Planning
You’ve selected an ELA curriculum resource. Now what?!? Engage in virtual, ongoing technical assistance to guide your school team through creating the ideal conditions for effective implementation, including, but not limited to, advancing a communications plan; contacting vendors; selecting and planning proper professional learning; and schedule non-negotiables.
Optional ADD ON: Standards Mapping
Matching curricular resources with ND ELA content standards doesn’t have to be daunting! Mapping curricular resources with content standards can help educators and school teams select a curricular resource or better understand necessary supplemental materials. This ADD ON may occur as a part of selecting a curricular resource (prior to a decision/purchase) or as an action step in response to making a selection.
$25/ Participant